Doing Marketing the right way. Wonder How?

libby oswin
8 min readDec 15, 2020

Hey everyone.

I am Libby and I am one of the interns from Digitaldeepak Internship Program Batch 8. I have just finished week 2 and I am here to give you an insight into my learnings and takeaways from the Internship Program.

In this article, I will be talking about doing marketing the right way. This article is for anyone who is planning to run a business or is already running one.

It’s only been two weeks and I am excited already to explore more into the internship program. It has been a wonderful journey so far and there was so much to learn. I mean Little did I know there would be so much to marketing.

If you are someone who likes marketing or sales or conversion or anything you want to call it. Buckle up. You are up for an adventurous ride.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

I have gone through this a million times and here I am with the key takeaways for you to benefit from this. This is a foolproof guide to marketing and it has been implemented by millions of successful entrepreneurs.

Having said that, let’s not waste time and let’s get started.

What is Marketing according to you?

I mean you would have come across various definitions online. But you aren’t sure as to what it is as different people give you different instructions and definitions.

Let me make it simple for you.

Marketing is nothing but an activity or set of processes for creating, communicating, delivering that has value for customers and society at large. It is important to know what your customer wants and how you can serve He/Her better with your service or product.

It’s simple guys. We just complicate it sometimes.

Don’t you think?

I mean if you have the basic understanding of what your customer wants and the solution for their problems then there is no need to break your head.

If your product is good enough it will sell itself no matter the price.

There are various types and mediums in Marketing. It can be done Via social media, emails, Influencer, Traditionally and digitally.

I will get into that a bit later.

Marketing is present in all stages of the business, beginning to end.

Now you may wonder. Why is marketing necessary? What is the purpose of marketing?

Let me break it down for you.

The purpose of marketing is to research and analyze your customers all the time, study their online shopping habits and behaviour. Nonetheless, there is one question that needs to be asked “ Where, When and How does our customer wants to communicate with our business? “

Here’s an example …

Let’s say a business is rolling out a brand new product and wants to create a campaign promoting that product to its customer base. This company’s channels of choice are Facebook, Instagram, Google, and its company website. It uses all of these spaces to support its various campaigns every quarter and generate leads through those campaigns.

To broadcast its new product launch, it publishes a downloadable product guide to its website, posts a video to Instagram demonstrating its new product, and invests in a series of sponsored search results on Google directing traffic to a new product page on its website.

Now, which of the above decisions were marketing, and which were advertising?

The advertising took place on Instagram and Google.

Where did the marketing take place? This was a bit of a trick question, as the marketing was the entire process. By aligning Instagram, Google, and its own website around a customer-focused initiative, the company ran a three-part marketing campaign that identified its audience, created a message for that audience, and delivered it across the industry to maximize its impact.

Here comes the important part of marketing known as The Law of Marketing.

I am going to share 10 points on how the process of marketing works. If you planning to start a business I suggest you make a note of this and implement it in your business model and in no time you will see wonders as this is a foolproof guide.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

What is the Law of Marketing?

  1. It starts with understanding the customer and the customer’s needs.
  2. It is about sending the right message to the right person at the right time.
  3. It is not just about selling. It is also about keeping an existing customer happy by communicating with them.
  4. Build Trust.
  5. The purpose is to build a brand and capture a position in the minds of the consumers.
  6. Never let marketing become more important than the product. A great product sells itself.
  7. Advertising is one of the components of marketing.
  8. Copywriting plays a vital role in marketing.
  9. Sales are one of the main components of marketing.
  10. You need a great product that works on a long term basis.

Next, I am going to talk about Building a personal brand.

Photo by Maxwell Nelson on Unsplash

What comes to your mind when we talk about building a personal brand?

It simply means identifying a specific target audience and building a brand that is attractive and beneficial to them.

“To have a strong personal brand, you have to stand for something, believe in a certain way of doing things, and proudly communicate those beliefs from your platform.”

Few excellent examples of well known personal brands would be :

ELON MUSK — His name is almost well known as Coca-cola

GARY VAYNERCHUK — He is a Hustler. He has multiple brands and a channel. He started from scratch and here we are talking about him.

Isn’t that motivating?

How to Build a personal brand?

Well, truth be told it’s quite simple provided you put in the hard work.

Here are the 6 effective ways to build a personal brand.

  1. Good marketing is all about good communication.
  2. Write to your customer as you talk. Make it feel personal.
  3. Start with a purpose.
  4. Define a clear niche.
  5. Create to serve.
  6. Create Authentic content.

Well choosing the right niche is the hardest part for most of us as we have multiple interests.


I am about to tell you how to select the right niche. It mainly comprises of three factors.

Talent, Passion, and the Market for the product or service.

If you have the talent and the passion for something and let’s say there is no market for it, you are heading towards a dead end.

If you have the passion and there is a market for it but you lack talent, you are heading towards a dead-end again.

The reason I explained that is I want you to know that in order to find the niche that is suitable for you and your customers you got to combine these three key factors in order to be successful.

I hope that helps you in finding your niche.

Next, I would like to talk about the difference between Traditional and Digital Marketing and the CATT Marketing Funnel.

Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing

Selecting the right type of marketing is an age-old question. You should know when to select and which one to use.

What is Digital Marketing?

Put simply, digital marketing is using digital channels such as websites and social media as tools for marketing communication.

What is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing on the other hand involves traditional channels, like billboards and printed media.

Up until the development of the internet in the 1990’s, traditional marketing was pretty much the only type of marketing.

Traditional Marketing VS Digital Marketing. What is the difference?

The main difference between digital and traditional marketing is the medium through which an audience encounters a marketing message. While traditional marketing uses traditional media like magazines and newspapers, digital marketing uses digital media, such as social media or websites.

Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash

Of course, Traditional marketing doesn’t mean it’s old-fashioned. Traditional marketing still plays an important role in people’s lives with the ever-growing need to step out of the digital world. This usually works for products that are generic. Eg. Soaps, cars, iPhones, etc.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Digital marketing is just as important as traditional if not even more so. Digital marketing uses every touch point of your daily use of the internet to reach you. Using the internet for several hours each day is a normal part of most people’s day to day life. Digital marketing just uses this to its advantage by cleverly weaving in marketing communications into every digital channel.


Remember this, Your success and wealth depend on the niche you choose.

This is important when it comes to creating a marketing funnel. You have to keep these factors in mind before executing your business.

Wealth = n^CATT

You are probably wondering what is equation is about. I will simplify it for you.

n — — Niche ( Remember what we spoke about earlier. The three factors that contributes to a successful niche- Talent, Market, and Passion)

C — — Content ( Create useful and engaging content. Eg. Blogging)

A — — Attention( Drive attention to your content using SEO, Social Media, Paid Ads.)

T — — Trust( It is important to build trust with your audience with Tripwires, marketing automation, etc. Without Trust from your customers you wouldn’t reach anywhere)

T — — Transaction( Convert your leads into customers. Get them to transact by engaging them in your content)

“Content is King”

You implement the factors given above and you will see your business skyrocket in no time. As mentioned above Content matters a lot.

If your content is not engaging enough you won’t have any audience on your platform and hence there won’t be any transactions.

I am not trying to demotivate you rather telling you the truth on how businesses work.

Well, I am almost done. There is one important topic that’s left and am sure it would help you figure out your way of marketing.

I am going to talk about The Integrated Digital Marketing Framework.

You may be wondering what Integrated digital marketing is.

It is a method of engaging customers and prospects with your company or brand that combines all parts of marketing communications to work together and assist the customer along their journey of awareness to loyalty.

DigitalDeepak was generous to give us this framework and I would be happy to share it with you.

So that is the framework to execute Integrated digital marketing.

You create content and then you advertise it using paid ads, SEO and promote it using social media. The better your content is, the more the sales. Get your audience engaging in your posts and then get their email addresses, name, and phone number for email marketing.

For effective lead generation get their email addresses, name, and phone number. Once you get the leads you sell and convert those leads.

Not very difficult, is it?

Let me know what you think of this in the comments section.

Stay tuned for more interesting blogs.

